Friday 17 July 2015

The EBay Paisley Jacket

Paisley Jacket: Ebay
Playsuit: ASOS
Bag: Thrifted

Oh, EBay has been kind to me in recent months with my purchases. This is particularly true when it comes to vintage shopping. From belts to shirts and jewellery I can go through a treasure trove of vintage gems from my sofa without hauling ass into town. I know that sounds lazy but sometimes we all don't have time to spend an hour in a vintage shop trying to find something, only to walk out empty handed. EBay is my answer to this.

God have I found some good stuff on it and this Paisley jacket is one of my rare finds. I fell in love instantly. Ok, so in the EBay picture is looked a lot more purple so when I got it I was a bit surprised to say the least but nevertheless it turned out better because it matches more of my clothes which are mostly monochrome or earthy tones. I'll be first to admit that it does look like a pair of granny's curtains but this print is normal now. There's something quite 70s about it, even when I don't dress it like this, in the print. Apart from this its one of the only jackets I have that works as a summer jacket. If you're from the UK you know our summer is fleeting so having a light jacket is essential if not a fold up pac-a-mac in your handbag from when the heaven's open and your new expensive sandals get drenched the one day to dare to wear them outside of Spain. It was a similar thing when I spent the day at Botanic on Sunday. It kept trying to rain so this jacket was perfect. Anyway, as I was saying thrown over my asos playsuit with my thrifted suitcase and its just a lazy Sunday outfit. It was £24 and though a little steep on the vintage scale (I live on oxfam prices) for the amount of wear I'll get out of it I can justify the price, just lucky I got it before any else.

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